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How Fast Can Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Run?

Did you see that scene in Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle where The Rock is running as fast as a motorcycle? Well, it’s clearly humanly impossible for him to run that fast, but he can keep up the pace. 

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson can run 16.17 mph. That’s pretty fast but nowhere near as fast as the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt, who can run up to 27.8 mph. Due to his focus on health and maintaining his beastly appearance, it comes as no surprise that The Rock can run so fast. His legs have the size and capability to pump out some serious power. 

You can read more below about how fans managed to calculate how fast Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson can run and all about his leg day workout. 

How Johnson’s Sprint Speed Was Calculated

It took some very dedicated fans or at least runners to calculate the speed that Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson can run at. It was actually Tristan Cross at Shortlist who took the time to examine how fast Johnson can really run and then compared it to his Fast and Furious franchise co-star Vin Diesel. 

Why exactly was Cross looking at doing this? Well, the whole examination came out after Dwayne Johnson very publicly criticized Vin Diesel for being unprofessional on the set of The Fate of the Furious in 2016. 

Johnson had said on his Instagram page, reported by Rolling Stone,  that he was sick of stars who couldn’t “conduct themselves as stand-up men and true professionals.” So it was that Tristan Cross decided to see who was the fastest and who was the most furious of the two stars.

In the article, Cross examined different clips of the two stars that were not cinematically enhanced and he was able to do simple physics calculations that determined their speeds. In the end, he determined that The Rock can run at a speed of 16.17 mph, whereas Vin Diesel can only run at a speed of 12.41 mph.

As for the most furious, well Johnson won that calculation too according to Cross from his actions calling out Vin Diesel to swearing the most online, and of course being the most swole. 

Vin Diesel and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson have reconciled since Johnson called Diesel out. He thanked Diesel for his support with the F&F spinoff movie Hobbs & Shaw.

You can watch Dwayne Johnson running super fast in a clip from Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle below.

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s Leg Day

There is one reason and one reason alone why Dwayne Johnson can run so fast: his legs are a powerhouse. Like many bodybuilders, The Rock never skips leg day. 

You can tell that his leg muscles have been worked hard. His quads are basically bulging, the man is just an utter beast. 

How does he do it though? How does Dwayne Johnson get legs that are so ripped and strong capable of carrying him at 16.17 miles an hour?

The answer to that question is that he works out more than any regular human. Since he did play Hercules, his commitment to his god-like physique is a little more understandable. 

One big thing to note though is that Johnson’s workouts have changed a lot depending on the roles that he is playing. In 2017, he actually shared some of his workouts to prepare for Jumanji: The Next Level with Men’s Journal

What’s interesting about his leg workout is that it is actually very accessible to anyone who has a standard gym membership. It features exercises like barbell glute bridges, single-leg extensions, walking lunges, and the vertical leg press. 

On top of this, Man of Many’s reporter Jacob Osborn states that The Rock’s workouts often start with 30-50 minutes of cardio on the elliptical. However, he also reported that The Rock’s workouts on leg day begin with that 30-50 minutes of cardio done on the treadmill. 

Of course, Dwayne Johnson isn’t going to be running at a sprint of 16.17 mph for that entire time. One other thing to really note is just how committed Johnson is to his workouts. 

The Rock actually has a gym that he transports with him to filming locations just so he can get in a proper workout. He calls his gym his Iron Paradise and worked in collaboration with Under Armour to show some of his workouts in it. 

Clearly, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is as committed to his physicality as possible which totally explains why he can run pretty fast for someone who weighs over 280 lbs.
