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Finding Your Own Magic at Disney (Part 1)

It’s no secret that Disney World is the epitome of happiness, fun and all things magic! From the resorts to the nighttime shows to the attractions, you need not look too far to find the enchantment that brought you to this happy place to begin with. While we could certainly sit back, relax and allow Disney to ‘have all the fun’ for us, one of the most beautiful things about being a member of club Disney is the magic you create on your own when visiting the parks. Of course, we’d be remiss not to mention the fact that you are sharing in your special, one of a kind experience with a zillion of your best Disney friends! But fret not the crowds- grab your fanny packs and all the Mickey shaped snacks as we discover the best ways to create your own magic around Walt Disney World!

Let a kiddo go in front of you for a character meet and greet 

I held off on doing character meet and greets for the longest time as I felt weird meeting Merida and Snow White as a solo adult whilst a little tyke behind me tugged at her parents shirt inquiring on how long the wait would be, thusly pulling on my heart strings. I was recently in line to meet the most beautiful duck in all the land, Daisy Duck and found myself in the aforementioned situation. A little one with the most adorable British accent I might add, was begging her mother to stay in line to meet Miss Daisy (she even had on a Daisy shirt!) but mum was insistent they break the line to make their next FastPass. Letting the family go in front of me was an easy thing to do, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a tiny bit selfish. Watching a kiddo meet her idol brought a happy tear to my eye and didn’t cost me a thing. 

Give someone your seat on the ferry 

Oddly enough, this is one of my favorite things to do to up the ante on the Disney magic scale. You see, I’ve never had the obligation (or privilege, however you choose to look at it!) of carrying a little one around the parks all day. As magical as it must be to see Disney through the eyes of your own child, with it comes a bit of the crankies and fussies, no doubt. At the end of the day as a packed ferry boat pulls out of the seven seas lagoon and the castle begins to fade in the distance, take a gander around and find an exhausted mama, papa, or grandparent holding a sleeping little one, and offer up your seat. You’ll not only see a look of gratitude replace exhaustion, but you’ll get the biggest case of the warm fuzzies you could ever ask for!

Experience something way outside of your comfort zone…or a familiar attraction in a new way

This one may seem a little on the nose, but it’s something I don’t do often enough. Time to take my own advice! While most things that go faster than the Haunted Mansion make my tummy flip, it wasn’t until Disney that I discovered I actually can ride certain roller coasters. A fact I never would have discovered had I not forced myself to select a Big Thunder Mountain fast pass one slow Magic Kingdom day. While I’m still working my way up to Everest, my New Year’s resolution is to try one new experience/attraction in each park every time I visit Disney in 2020. On the other side of the coin, don’t forget to really take in your tried and true next time you are in your doom buggy or the happiest cruise that ever sailed – those hidden details of the white room or the ballroom scene aren’t going to discover themselves!

When we go to Disney year after year, month after month and maybe for you lucky ones out there, week after week, we tend to take for granted the magic that is so easily accessible to us from Main Street USA to the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Room, but we forget that we are a huge part of the magic. If it weren’t for us, the Disney lovers, there would be no Mickey’s Philar Magic and Liberty Square to enjoy (can you tell which park is Britta’s favorite yet…?) So next time you’re skipping down Main Street on your way to the Joffrey’s in Tomorrowland, think of just one way you can create your own Disney magic in the parks, and be sure to carry that same spirit of fascination and generosity with you wherever your day may take you!

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